
Thoughts walk away, blog stays.


で、これをネタにしている英語の web コミックがあって、その翻訳をやっているサイトがこちらに。肝心の画像はリンク先で見てくださいね。



先生: Okay, middle school students, it's the first Tuesday in February.

This means that by law and custom, we must spend the morning reading through the Wikipedia article list of common misconceptions, so you can spend the rest of your lives being a little less wrong.
 (よって、規則と習慣の定める通り、今朝は wikipedia の「よくある誤解のリスト」の記事を全部読みますよ。)

The guests at every party you'll ever attend thank us in advance.

[I wish I lived in this universe.]

Alt-text: 'Grandpa, what was it like in the Before time?' 'It was hell. People went around saying glass was a slow-flowing liquid. You folks these days don't know how good you have it.'