
Thoughts walk away, blog stays.

サイバーデッキの復活:SR5 development: The reconfigured Matrix and the return of cyberdecks

以前の記事でも書いた通り、Shadowrun 5th Edition では、サイバーデッキ/cyberdeckが復活します。そして、サイバーデッキを使ってマトリックスにアクセスする人が「デッカー/decker」、使わないでアクセスできる異能者が「テクノマンサー/technomancer」で、その両方をまとめた呼称が「ハッカー」になります。


The major change involves the megacorporations realizing that a free and open Matrix does not serve their interests, and that Danielle de la Mar and her ilk provide the perfect excuse to clamp down on things in the name of public safety.



The Matrix is a tougher place for hackers now. Security is tighter, and the Grid Overwatch Division of the Corporate Court is constantly on the watch for illicit activity. This gives deckers and technomancers the chance to buck the odds, show off their skills, and pull off amazing feats in the face of pressing danger. To us, that feels very much like Shadowrun should.

